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Client Interviews: Final Wrap-Up

So there you have it. Truly the “A to Z” of implementing a successful client interview program. And what a journey it’s been! Some may consider interviewing a simple Q&A. We actually consider interviewing an art form. And as with anything, the more you do it, the better you will become.

As you’ve learned, educating yourself and others on rationale and statistics, gaining internal buy-in and setting goals for your program is only just the beginning. Next comes decisions on who to interview and how, how to prepare at 2 weeks out and at 1 week out, and how to create the desired first impression. After nailing the interview, it’s time to take action with their responses. And then you can start all over again. Ready, set… go!

Has this resonated with you? If so, we want to know! LPC would love to learn about your tips, success and challenges. Feel free to comment or contact us with personal stories of how you and your colleagues have executed interview initiatives.