Interview – check. Done. Success! After all the blood, sweat and tears, and hours of preparation, and strategizing, and researching and note-taking, it will feel good to have an interview under your belt. But there will be no relaxing or celebrating just yet. It’s action time! And it’s always good to move on things while they are fresh. The success of a client interview program truly hinges on what action is taken after the fact.
After a client interview, the first step that should be taken is to contact the relationship attorney. The interviewer will ideally call that attorney immediately, just to let him or her know that the interview was completed. Understandably, most will be very interested (and maybe even anxious) to hear what the client had to say. The second step is to have the relationship attorney should call the client, thanking them again for their participation.
The interviewer should type or write a report as soon as possible after conducting the interview. The sooner the better! The report should contain details such as behaviors, issues and concerns, as well as recommendations for changes to the services being provided. LPC recommends, and has had the most success, sending the interviewer’s report to: firm managing partner, marketing director, practice group leader, and the client’s relationship attorney.
It’s now up to the client relationship attorney and team to meet and thoroughly review/discuss the report and how best to move forward. It’s helpful when the interviewer can join this session. The goal should be clear: to develop specific client service recommendations and strategies in response to the insights within the report.