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Client Interviews: Who’s Going to Ask the Questions?

You have the green light to move forward, realistic goals are in place and you have selected the clients to be interviewed. Your next step is to identify who will actually conduct your interview and how—decisions that will vary greatly by firm based on a number of considerations. Some options for interviewers include:

  • Outside consultant
  • Marketing Director/CMO
  • Firm CEO/Executive Director
  • Managing Partner
  • Relationship attorney
  • Practice group leader
  • Combination of firm attorneys and/or administrative staff

Tough choice! Conducting interviews with firm personnel will be less expensive, and in many circumstances, can be as effective as an outside consultant. Some clients, however, have reported that they are more candid with someone who is entirely objective.  This decision may be best left to the relationship attorney, as they know their client best.

Conventional wisdom is that the relationship attorney should not conduct the interview. Clients tend to be less forthcoming in providing constructive criticism directly to the attorney with whom they have worked.

Regardless of who is chosen for this important initiative, the individual should have the requisite skills and training.