At LPC, we think Google Alerts are ingenious. In case you’re unfamiliar with this free (yes, free) tool, users can set up a Google Alert to send email notifications any time that Google finds new results on a specific topic of interest. It’s a helpful tool for tracking trends or what’s being said about your firm, your colleagues and your competitors. You can also keep track of information that is important to your clients and prospective clients. When you receive an Alert about something that would matter to your client, you can be the first one to send it their way.
This type of action speaks volumes. Not only does it show that you have their best interests at heart, that you know their business, and that you want them to remain informed, it also gives you a relevant, valid and valuable reason to communicate with your clients. Some firms package and send client-relevant information in a format that reinforces the firm’s brand. To create an alert, go to The process is self-explanatory and customizable.